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of conference area showing hotels
Earth XX ISIAC placemark (N 350 12'29.66",
E 250 42'50.41")
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of Crete with zoom options
to Agios Nikolaos
Agios Nikolaos is a beautiful little coastal town
on the north of Crete with a population of 25,000.
The conference hotel (Mirabello Beach hotel) is
about 2km north from the downtown city center.
The closest international airport or sea port
is the city of Heraklion which is about 1 hr (70km)
to the west of Agios Nikolaos.
Arrival from Heraklion:
Participants are advised to privately organize
to share a taxi directly from the Heraklion air-
or sea port to the conference hotel (about 60
euros for up to 4 people with not too much baggage)
or if staying longer in Crete to rent a car. Car
ride to Agios Nikolaos from Heraklion area estimated
at about 60 minutes. Organized conference buses
at a lower price might also become a possibility
(therefore please don't forget to fill out on
the registration form your detailed arrival and
departure times) and will be announced when and
if available. Another possibility is the local
bus (see public transportation).
Public transportation
to Agios Nikolaos is also possible both through
the central bus station in Heraklion and from
the airport or harbor itself. Buses to Agios (Nikolaos)
usually run every half hour. Total time Agios
- Heraklion or Heraklion - Agios estimated to
be less than 90 minutes. Specific times are listed
in the listed link:
transportation schedule from Agios (Nikolaos)
to Heraklion and surrounding villages
Buses to Agios Nikolaos will take you to the central
bus terminal in Agios Nikolaos from where a second
bus (direction ELOUNDA - PLAKA) can take you to
the conference hotels. Just tell the bus drivers
the name of your hotel so they can drop you off
at the right stop.
Bus to Heraklion also stops at Heraklion Airport
to let off passengers. The bus from Heraklion
to Agios stops by the airport to pick up passengers.
Getting to
Heraklion is a city of about 200,000 and has both
a port and an international airport (Nikos Kazantzakis
Arrival by air via Athens: Most participants will probably arrive to Heraklion
via Athens International airport on one of the
local carriers. These are: Olympic
Airways, and Aegean
Airlines and make regular flights to Heraklion
every day. Between them there is almost hourly
coverage throughout the day.
Charter flight directly to Heraklion: In the summer there are also many charter companies flying
directly to Heraklion
from many different cities in Europe including
Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Belfast, Stockholm, to name
a few. These flights can be quite cheap and convenient
since they are direct, but need to be carefully
booked to secure a spot. Information can be obtained
via the web. However, beware of small, unreliable
charter companies that can leave you stranded
at the last minute!
Boats from Athens:
There are also ferries and boats arriving to Heraklion
directly from Athens (the port of Pireaus), Thessaloniki,
Rodos and Santorini, on a daily basis. The main
boat carriers are Minoan
Lines and Anek
Lines. A direct airport transport (bus or
subway) from the Athens International airport
can take you to the boat departure area in Pireaus
(allow a minimum of 2 hours connection time).
Boats usually leave around 9pm every night and
also twice a week in the morning around 11am.
Tickets can usually be bought on the spot. However,
to obtain a cabin (for overnight travel) advanced
reservations are usually required. The boat trip
from Athens to Heraklion takes about 8-10 hours.
For more precise and up to date information please
consult the boating companies websites.