Bay of Mirabello with the venue hotel and town of
Agios Nikolaos in the back
Traditionally, this is a two-day biennial
satellite meeting taking place right after ICPEAC
usually attracting about 60-90 participants from
all over the world. It gives the participants
an opportunity to present and exchange detailed
information at a smaller specialized meeting set
in a congenial and personalized atmosphere.
The symposium covers all ion-atom collision
phenomena including excitation, ionisation, multiple
ionisation and capture reactions from sub-thermal
to relativistic velocities as well as interactions
of highly charged ions with surfaces, molecules
and clusters.
Additionally, this year's XX ISIAC will also
include the SPARC
topical meeting on Electron Spectrometry in the
New Experimental Storage Ring (NESR).
Organized by the SPARC electron spectrometers
group, it will include a special session on electron
and positron emission processes in relativistic
high-Z few-electron ion-atom collisions. The NESR
is planned to be built soon at GSI-Darmstadt under
The venue hotel is the
MIRABELLO Beach Hotel at Agios
Nikolaos, Crete at which the talks and posters
will be presented. Special preferential rates
for ISIAC participants have been secured for all
official conference accomodations. Agios
Nikolaos (literally Saint Nicholas -- pronounced
Ayios Nikolaos but also many times spelled as
Aghios Nikolaos) is a small picturesque town on
the north coast of Crete about 70km east of
Heraklion, the main port of entry.
(includes Program of Events and List of Participants
to date).
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