Abstracts and Posters


Contributions to this conference will be in the form of invited talks and/or posters. For each, an abstract with the right format must be submitted before the deadline of May 15 if it is to appear in the official Book of Abstracts. Only abstracts and posters of registered participants may be presented.

Abstracts for talks and posters

The abstract formatting rules and directions for submission are explicitly given in the example for the abstract which can be downloaded here. Please follow these directions carefully to avoid unnecessary delays.

Please make sure you send the abstracts to the correct e-mail, i.e. isiac@physics.uoc.gr with the right name and subject field as directed in the abstract example form.


Posters can be exhibited during the entire period of the meeting. However, the official poster session will take place on Thursday Aug. 2 right after lunch. Posters can be put up on the evening of Wednesday Aug. 1 . The maximum poster dimensions are: width 95 cm and height 115 cm.

Phaestos Palace, Phaestos Disc

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