Please be advised:
The July-August period is especially busy in Crete
with tourism at its peak. Participants are therefore
kindly advised to make all their travel plans
and reservations well in advance of the official
All participants should send their Conference
Registration and Hotel Reservation Form to
the conference secretary Mrs. Efi
Galanaki as early as possible. The booking
of the official conference hotels at the preferential
price can only be secured by filling the hotel
reservation form. Official conference hotels are
listed under Conference Site.
Payment methods are listed on the reservation
form. Please follow the instructions carefully.
Cancellation policies
Cancellation of registration or hotel reservation
must be communicated in writing to the conference
secretary Mrs. Efi
Galanaki of MITOS S.A.
Cancellations must be submitted in writing and
received by MITOS S.A., no later than June 30,
2007. The equivalent of one night hotel room rate
will be charged if cancellation is received before
June 30, 2007.
Cancellations and NON SHOW received after June
30, 2007 will be charged for the full amount of
the original hotel reservation.
For those who plan to spend some time in the
city of Heraklion the following hotels can be
4 star hotels
3 star hotels